by Alvin Curran

[Maritime Rites poster]

Maritime Rites Rome, 1979

Maritime Rites Chicago, New Music America 1982

Maritime Rites Minneapolis, 1981 c.

Maritime Rites Wasserkorso, Berlin 1987

Maritime Rites Sydney, 1991. Photo Nigel Helyer

Maritime Rites:  bicentenary proposal for New York City

Maritime Rites Kinsale, 2007

Maritime Rites Frankfurt, 2010

Maritime Rites Tate: London, 2007

Maritime Rites New York, 2012

Maritime Rites Rome, 2012...........................................................................Maritime Rites Zurich, 2013

Maritime Rites Fremantle, 2013 .........................................................Maritime Rites Bonn, 2014


This ongoing project and signature work begun in the middle '70s has taken many forms - from choreographed lake concerts featuring musicians in row boats (latest: New York's Central Park, 2012), to live ship horn concerts in large city ports, to large scale ship horn installations on rivers and lakes, to structured improvisations in/on/over rivers, to the 10 concerts produced for National Public Radio in 1984 and available from New World Records as the 2-CD set Maritime Rites.

Sound excerpts from versions of Maritime Rites:
Kiel, Wasserkorso, Oakland Artship, CD (Curran soloist), CD (Steve Lacy soloist), Waterworks Linz Maritime Rites Philadelphia

Video excerpts from Maritime Rites Tate: 4-minute clip 3-minute clip 45-second clip
Service about Maritime Rites Frankfurt on Hessenschau TV

Excerpts from Maritime Rites New York, 2012; 12-minute video by Susan Levenstein:

Excerpts from Maritime Rites Rome (Floating With John, 2012); 10-minute video by Jacob Burckhardt and Susan Levenstein:

The 1984 Maritime Rites book with Melissa Gould's illustrations is available from or from the composer.


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